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No matter what type of loss you may be facing - one thing always rings true. Loss is hard. It is never easy to lose someone or something that is part of who we are. Regardless of the type of loss you experience, Despite the nature of your loss, our souls need the acknowledgment that our pain is real. Our mission of The Loss Box is to allow you the space you need to recognize that your loss is hard while also allowing yourself the grace to navigate the road of grief with love and self-care. 


Grief is a windy road that takes time and care to navigate. Losing someone or something important imparts emotions unique to each and every one of us and deserves to be felt. Denial, Anger, Emptiness, and Acceptance to move forward, require such care in order to truly heal your grief. The Loss Box is here to provide you with some tools to work through your grief, take care of yourself during that process, and most of all to remind you that taking the time to grieve, no matter how that looks for you, is necessary.


The Loss Box was created to be a reminder that joy is possible on the other side of grief. Life has an unapologetic way of showing us the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. The lows, while incredibly difficult, allow us to appreciate joy in our lives, more than we ever could have before. Our hope is that The Loss Box can be a beautiful reminder to be gentle with yourself as you process grief and that no matter how hard the journey, joy is waiting for you.